Hi, I’m Abigail!

I’ve worked in the marketing world for 10+ years and noticed one major thing…

Words (yes, there’s more, keep reading).

Words are the difference between your marketing working or failing. And, just like the foundation of a house requires the right cement…

The foundation of your business requires the right words.

The reality is – a house can’t thrive without a solid foundation (and your business can’t thrive without the right words).

In fact, the right words:

✅ Clarify.
✅ Inspire.
✅ Move people to act.

And the wrong words:

😩 Confuse.
😩 Discourage.
😩 Move people to walk away.

That’s why WordHouse exists to help you stress less and find the right words to help your business thrive.

Contact me now and let’s chat!